The word ‘ELECTRONICS’ means to deal with Electrons, it basically works on low voltage high frequency. We all knows Electronics world is making very rapidly,
Electronics games & gadegts becomes everybody’s passion today. At present if electronics doing it’s job in medical field., I.T and R & D sections, on the other hand it’s also a matter of fear factor for humans. By the means of electronics people also inventing missles, Boms and other deadly weapson.So Electronics as both good & bad factor for human life.
It becomes possible by meu electronics to communication with other countries in few seconds.
(1) Microprocessor Lab :– This lab deals with the concept of 80805 and 8086 instruction set and programming techniques. This lab makes students familier with 8085 and 8086 kit and hardware aspects.
(2) Microwave Lab:- This lab deals with measurement an microwave bench of X-band(812 ghz) and characteristics of reflex kly stron tube and gunn diode.
(3) Analog electronics Lab :-This lab has been established for giving concept of basic electronics, solid state devices and circuit and linear ics (741,55) applications.
(4) Communication Lab :-Aim of this lab is to give concept of analog and digital communication system.
(5) Project cum electronics workshop and pcb design lab:- This lab has been established for conducting minor and major projects and electronics workshop and pcb design.
(6) Digital Electronics labs :-This lab gives the basic concept of digital electronics. Experiments based verification of gates, flip-flops, shift registers, counters, multiplesures, demultiplexers,coder and decoder are performed. All experiment are conducted on bread boards.