At the moment, every body seems to be caught in the tidily wave of Information Technology. Info Tech has change the present scenario dramatically. Till recently information was processed by using Electrical or Mechanical devices such as type writers now these devices have been made obsolete with advent of computers.
The phrase Information Technology deals with creation collection, processing, storage and transfer of information besides various process and devices that are used in the whole procedure.
In fact IT is move or less but quit remarkable in each and every field. IT can perform three basic operation imperative for the compilation of any process.
(1) IT can collect row data and process it into useful information.
(2) IT can recycle processed information and use it as data in another process.
(3) IT can represent information in a new look to make it more attractive and easily understandable.
INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY, the study of computers, including their design, operation, and use in processing information and practical aspects of engineering, electronics, information theory, mathematics logic and human behavior .Aspects of computer science range from the design of program and computer and hardware to artificial intelligence and robotics . Application, in computer science , a computer program designed to help people perform a certain types of work. The application thus differs from an operating system (which runs a computer) utility (which performs, maintenance or general purpose chares) and a language (with which computer programs are created) .Some application packages offers considerable computing power by focusing on a single task such as word processing; others called integrated software.